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Creating Momentum

How to Create Momentum in Your Life

Are you familiar with that uninvited feeling of stagnation that creeps up from time to time? The feeling that you’ve hit a wall you can’t see past and don’t know how to get through to the other side?

 Looking back to my childhood, it was almost as if I had an endless reserve of energy. I could muster up enthusiastic excitement in a nanosecond and was endlessly eager to explore my world. Now as an adult, I find myself confronting certain periods where motivation is lacking. Granted, as we grow older and take on more responsibilities, momentum can become fleeting. We may refer to this feeling as exhaustion, burnout, being stretched too thin, or feeling as if our candle is burning at both ends. How could we possibly build momentum if we feel as if we can barely keep our heads above water?

 I want to differentiate between momentum and stamina. Stamina is the energy reserve we draw upon in our daily lives to keep us moving forward at a steady pace. Momentum is a spark of energy that, when ignited, allows us to take on creative projects, leadership roles, and novel experiences. Momentum helps us live beyond the mere existence of “the day-to-day grind.” Momentum is the driving force that allows us to become active participants in life.

 Over the years, I’ve taken note of 5 tools that have helped me boost momentum in my life and propel myself into a state of active living. 

  1. Journal

I tend to feel “stuck” when everything in my life feels cluttered. It’s much easier to notice physical clutter in our home as we are confronted with it visually, but mental clutter can keep us feeling stagnant outside of our conscious awareness. I encourage engaging in stream-of-consciousness journaling to clean up the mental clutter. Grab a notebook/journal and a pen and begin writing! This doesn’t have to be legible or grammatically correct—the point of this tool is to release mental clutter onto the paper and notice the sense of lightness you experience afterward.

2. Get in Touch with Friends that Inspire You 

When I’m surrounded by inspiring people, I tend to feel infinitely inspired myself. Spending time engaging with people that boost my energy rather than deplete it helps launch me into a mindset of excitement and abundance. We are social creatures, so cultivating meaningful social interactions helps us feel supported and secure enough to engage with our world more purposefully.

3. Go Somewhere Novel

This doesn’t have to be anything grandiose or expensive. Even checking out a new coffee shop in my neighborhood or taking a different route on my way back home tends to do the trick! When we do this, we are forcing ourselves to live presently by engaging with novel surroundings.

4. Remind Yourself that This is Temporary

It can be immensely helpful to draw upon this tool if it’s not your first time “feeling stuck.” Think back on past experiences and how you came out on the other side. Remind yourself of how impossible it felt to get out of a “rut” when you were in it and that, with time and tools, you were eventually able to feel sparks of energy and joy again.

5. See a Therapist

If you’re wondering if this feeling of “stuckness” may be more than a simple case of “lack of motivation” and are curious to discover if you are experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, seeking out therapy is a worthwhile avenue to explore. Therapy can help you understand your experience and build a treatment plan with interventions to help increase momentum in your life.

As always, we are here for you if you are feeling stuck.  Contact our Client Care Coordinator today to book an appointment with one of our therapists!

With Gratitude,

Atalie Abramovici, AMFT

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