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Craving Dopamine

Craving Dopamine 

Imagine this: It’s been a long day at work, you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and you are seeking a sense of relief. You notice yourself craving a hit of your vape, engaging in an endless scroll on social media, or indulging in a binge-eating session. Do any of these sound familiar? If you have found yourself experiencing this, then chances are your body was craving dopamine. 

Dopamine, often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, plays a pivotal role in our brain's reward system. It's the chemical messenger responsible for feelings of pleasure, motivation, and reinforcement. And in today's fast-paced world, where stress seems to lurk around every corner, it's no wonder we often find ourselves seeking out dopamine in various forms.

But what exactly are dopamine-seeking behaviors? From mindlessly scrolling through Instagram feeds to reaching for that bag of chips after a tough day, these behaviors offer a quick fix to find pleasure and relief. 

Substance use is a common dopamine-seeking behavior as drugs and alcohol can create a sense of euphoria. Compulsive gambling triggers excitement and reward, often at financial expense. Binge-eating in response to cravings or emotions provides temporary comfort and relief. Excessive shopping offers a sense of thrill through purchases. Risk-taking behaviors, such as extreme sports or reckless driving, produce dopamine through excitement and adrenaline. Excessive social media use, like scrolling through feeds and pursuing likes, simulates a feeling of connection. While these behaviors can bring temporary pleasure, they often have negative consequences if overindulged or used as primary coping mechanisms. 

Relying solely on unhealthy ways to stimulate dopamine can impair our ability to regulate our own emotions, leading to mood swings and difficulty managing stress. Some of these behaviors can strain relationships through secrecy and conflict. If overindulged, they can reduce cognitive function, cause financial problems, and worsen mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. This is because many of these behaviors don’t yield long-term benefits and are gratifying for a fleeting moment.

So how can we honor our bodies’ dopamine craving? We are wired to seek out dopamine, and there is nothing wrong with that! There are healthier alternatives that can fulfill our need for pleasure and reward while supporting our health in the long term. 

Healthy dopamine-seeking behaviors can naturally lift your mood and enhance your wellbeing. The next time you crave a dopamine boost, you may ask yourself:

  • Have I been eating a balanced diet?

  • Have I made time for creative activities like art, music, or cooking?

  • How can I move my body?

  • Who can I call, FaceTime, or spend time with?

These questions can guide you to fuel your mind and body with the dopamine you need. Since these behaviors yield long-term benefits, they may take a bit more time than the quick fix you’re used to. But there are still ways to healthily achieve a quick rush of dopamine: 

  • Move your body; dance, walk, or run. 

  • Listen to an upbeat song.

  • Practice mindfulness; breathing exercises or meditation for a few minutes.

  • Have a meaningful conversation with a friend or loved one.

  • Engage in a brief creative activity; doodle, cook, or write. 

  • Enjoy a healthy and delicious snack. 

  • Spend a few minutes in natural sunlight or fresh air.

  • Express gratitude! Write down three things you're thankful for.

  • Accomplish a small task on your to-do list; make your bed or organize your desk.

  • Do a random act of kindness for someone; send a thoughtful text or compliment a stranger.

Next time you find yourself scrolling for hours on social media, reaching for your vape, or binge-eating out of stress or boredom, try one of these out! I guarantee you’ll feel uplifted for longer and you’ll be on your way to establishing healthier habits that increase dopamine naturally. If you've ever found yourself caught in the cycle of seeking out quick fixes, you're not alone. There’s a team of therapists at Root to Rise who would love to join you on your journey to living a more balanced and fulfilling life. Reach out to our Client Care Coordinator today to connect with a therapist who aligns with your needs! 

P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about dopamine and finding a healthier balance in your life, Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke is a great book! 


Sophia Rodriguez 

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