Emotion Regulation

We provide executive, couples, and individual emotion regulation coaching in Culver City, CA. In our coaching work, we will:

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of your hot button emotional triggers and current coping skills utilized to manage emotions

  • Provide a comprehensive program to identify more useful coping skills in order to channel emotions effectively

  • Build your emotion toolbox so that you can gain control of your reactivity and choose your response from a place of thoughtfulness rather than reactivity


In addition to specific Emotion Regulation coaching tools and techniques, I will:

  • Lead you in mindfulness exercises and teach you techniques to calm the sympathetic nervous system so that you are not falling victim to your flight-and-fight responses

  • Lead you in short guided imagery and specialized meditations

  • Send you home with recordings that will help you identify your trigger thoughts without getting caught up in them.

“ I learned today that not all conversations need to end in a fight.”
— Client, 2012