Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Los Angeles, CA.
Root to Rise Therapy. It starts with you.
As highly trained psychotherapists and relationship counselors located in the heart of Culver City, California, Root To Rise Therapy is committed to helping you increase emotional intimacy in relationships, communicate better, and find balance in your career, relationships, and personal life.
We offer In-person and Virtual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety, CBT for Depression, and Counseling for Relationship Issues in Los Angeles and surrounding cities.
Do any of these thoughts sound like you?
“I’m not going to be able to handle this”
“This situation is never going to end”
“It’s my fault”
“It’s your fault”
“I am worthless”
“I’m a failure”
“I should have done something”
We all have negative thinking patterns such as catastrophizing, black-and-white thinking, mind-reading, etc. and when we have these negative patterns of thinking, we can became anxious, depressed, or fearful.
When we feel anxious, depressed, or fearful, we might then withdraw, isolate, or act out in anger. The bad news is that its so painful to get stuck in these negative thought loops. The GOOD news is that you are not alone and its actually SO common. The GREAT news is that CBT can help!
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment that focuses on the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
CBT looks at our thinking patterns and builds awareness of the ways that our thoughts affect our feelings and in turn our actions.
In your individual therapy sessions with Root to Rise Therapy, we will collaboratively create a tailored CBT treatment program specific to your needs and goals. Speaking with an objective person that also has extensive training and knowledge about your psychology and past can help you better understand yourself and your negative thought patterns to lead to anxiety, depression and/or relationship issues.
Your therapist will help you will gain enhanced coping skills for managing anxiety, depression, challenging work and relationship situations; you will have more clarity about future goals, and you will reduce negative self-talk so that you can finally let go of your past family and relationship trauma.
One of the most important aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is building healthy self-care routines and habits that will help you self-soothe and self-regulate when you are in distress.
At Root To Rise Therapy we believe in providing care for the care-taker— many of our clients are “care-giving types”, natural nurturers, and people-pleasers, who are highly focused on the comfort of the people around them and meeting the needs of others while neglecting their own needs.
At Root to Rise Therapy, we help our clients learn how to take care of themselves in order to take care of others better. We believe that it all starts with you.
Break-ups and heartbreak
Singles and dating
Grief & Loss
Frequent areas of focus include:
CBT for Anxiety
CBT for Depression
Healthy Self-Care and Codependency
Relationship and Marital Issues
Life Transitions
Feeling "stuck"
CBT will help you learn coping tools and skills to build your “toolbox” so that you can manage your emotional and behavioral responses to your negative thought patterns. Common CBT tools including progressive muscle relaxation, breathing techniques, clench-and-release, and mindfulness.
CBT accounts for our past but with the primary focus on changing and updating our present-day thinking patterns to make them more adaptive so that you are better able to evaluate your thoughts objectively and create more balanced thinking patterns.
The process of restructuring our thoughts is called cognitive re-framing. When we are able to create new thought patterns, we create new pathways in the brain, and the more we engage in these new, healthier thought patterns, the more habitual these healthy thoughts become.
Our guarantee to you at Root to Rise Therapy is that we will meet you where you are, and provide a supportive and comforting space.
Together we can navigate this transition in a tailored approach so that you can be happy and thriving in your life and release painful patterns from your past.
Clients often arrive on our couch when they are ready to break out of their unhealthy patterns in life and in love, and take steps towards change. If you are going through a life transition, feeling stuck, or lost in love; if you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or relationship distress; suffered a loss or illness of a loved one, a divorce or a breakup, therapy will provide a warm and transformational space to dislodge unhealthy coping patterns and create new ways of thriving in our lives.
““If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ”