An 8 week program to Fine-Tune and Tune-Up your relationship!
This 8 week program is designed with two tracks, Fine-Tune and Tune-Up, to meet the needs of couples at different stages.
The Fine-Tune program is a perfect fit for pre-marital or pre-commitment couples that are looking to enhance their intimacy, identify core shared values, and create a plan for their future to ensure optimal relational and individual functioning. This program is perfect for couples who are considering taking The Big Leap of moving in together, getting married, or exploring a deeper commitment.
You've found your person. You are integrated in eachother's lives. You're planning your future. And you want to succeed as much as you have in other areas of your life (work, friendships.) Let's talk about the best most optimal way to secure the functioning of your relationship to ensure the greatest success. The 8-week program will fine-tune your communication skills, family and financial planning, and sex life, and you will have a ton fun while doing it!
The Tune-up program is for married and committed couples looking to refresh and enhance their relationship. This program is great for couples who are looking to renew or revise their core values and plans, or take a big next step in their relationship such as planning for children, planning a move, or facing other big changes/challenges (aging parents, launching kids).
You've been married or committed for years. You want to have a new emotional experience of eachother, to see eachother in new ways. You want to break out of painful patterns and discover new ways of relating. Or you want to rekindle that feeling of "in-love." This 8- week program will help you tune-up your communication and active listening skills, appreciate one another again, spice up your love life, improve self-care and self-nurturing, and re-kindle the romance!
Fine-tune benefits
Perfect fit for pre-marital or pre-commitment couples
Enhance intimacy
Identify core shared values
Create a plan for future to ensure optimal relational and individual functioning
Ideal for couples moving in together, getting married, or exploring a deeper commitment
tune-up Benefits
Perfect for married and committed couples
Refresh and enhance your relationship
Renew or revise core shared values and plans
Ideal for married couples planning for children, adjusting to empty nest, caring for elderly parents, planning a move or other big changes
Recover from trust breaches or affairs
Renew commitments
“With Becky’s help, we have been able to understand our blocks to connection, increase our intimacy, and take concrete steps to improving our relationship. Thanks to Becky, we decided to take The Big Leap, get engaged and we are now planning our wedding!”