Atalie's Posts

Expectations vs. Standards

Expectations vs. Standards

Have you felt disappointed in dating or frustrated while fostering a relationship? Whether you’re currently in a committed relationship or braving the new frontier that is modern dating, differentiating between expectations and standards can save everyone involved a great deal of time and energy.

Making Deeper Connections

Making Deeper Connections

I hear clients talk about wanting to build a meaningful community and deeper connections within their relationships. However, this can be tough when dynamics already feel set in stone in long-term friendships, and you’re only starting to chip away at the relationship with yourself to get to your core. After all, the most important and long-lasting relationship we form is with ourselves!

What Healing Looks Like

What Healing Looks Like

In an ideal world, the process of healing would only encompass feelings of euphoria and bliss as everything magically falls into place with the snap of your fingers. However, those of us who have gone through healing phases in our lives know that it never happens that way. There are many layers to healing that may involve unfamiliar emotions, discomfort, and a lot of turning inward.

Creating Momentum

Creating Momentum

Momentum is a spark of energy that, when ignited, allows us to take on creative projects, leadership roles, and novel experiences. Momentum helps us live beyond the mere existence of “the day-to-day grind.” Momentum is the driving force that allows us to become active participants in life.

Get Grounded

Get Grounded

Have you ever felt so anxious that you couldn’t “rationalize” your way out of it? Maybe you tried to challenge your thoughts, disidentify with them, or outright dismiss the validity of them… all to no avail? 

 While utilizing our prefrontal cortex’s astounding ability to reason and problem-solve is a crucial component in managing our response to stressors, we often ignore our physiology in the process! 

The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

All in all, the holiday seasons can bring a myriad of mixed emotions. Supporting your sense of self with a daily gratitude practice can help the holidays feel more easeful and potentially become a practice you bring with you into the new year! If you need extra support during this time, please get in touch with our Client Care Coordinator at Root to Rise to book an appointment with one of our therapists today!

Seasonal Affective Disorder

 Seasonal Affective Disorder

Living in Los Angeles, even with its desirable year-round weather, presents mood challenges as the seasons turn.I know fall has arrived and we are heading towards winter when there is a subtle yet palpable shift in the weather: the sun begins to set earlier; a cold, crisp quality permeates the air; I start reaching for the jackets that have been at the back of my closet; I am exponentially more drawn to turning on my furnace instead of the AC unit as each day passes. I also experience an indistinct shift in my moods as the days get shorter and the nights grow longer.

Nervous System Regulation Tips

Nervous System Regulation Tips

Here are 5 quick and easy tools to calm the sympathetic nervous system and activate the parasympathetic nervous system when feeling dysregulated.

Rest is Productive

Rest is Productive

As I type out these words, I find myself feeling overwhelmingly tired and in need of rest (in part due to the record-breaking heat wave taking over Los Angeles)… and so, I find it fitting to write about my experience. In this oppressive heat, I feel an all-encompassing sense of fatigue, trouble concentrating, eyelids drooping, and muscles feeling immensely heavy as I melt into the couch. Do these sensations sound familiar? As humans, we all need rest. That much is clear. So why do so many of us have such a hard time allowing ourselves to stop, slow down, and rest?

Over the years I’ve heard, and likely uttered, phrases such as, “I don’t have time to rest,” “I have too many things to do,” “I have no reason to feel tired,” “I don’t want to be lazy,” “I feel guilty when I rest,” and so on.

The way our capitalistic society requires us to operate is ultimately not sustainable. We are not computers… and even our computers need time to recharge! —and, to add to this metaphor, even a fully charged computer will begin to overheat and freeze up if it’s running too many applications at once!

Let’s start by reframing rest as productive—and move forward from there.