Sophia's Posts

Inside-Out Healing

Inside-Out Healing

At some point in your pursuit of caring for your mental health, you may have stumbled across the words “Somatic Therapy” or “Somatic Experiencing.” While this approach is widely used, it often leaves therapy-seekers curious about its definition and importance. So, what does it really mean to engage in somatic therapy, and how is it helpful? 

Rewiring Your Brain for Success

Rewiring Your Brain for Success

Imagine this: You’re about to speak in front of a group of people, and suddenly, your body seems to have a mind of its own. Your heart starts pounding, your palms get sweaty, and there’s that unmistakable fluttering sensation in your stomach. 

Does this feeling sound familiar? Maybe it is set off by the fear of spiders, heights, or flying, but most of us have something that can make us feel paralyzed by fear.