Unveiling Myths about Therapy

Unveiling Myths about Therapy

There’s a common misbelief that therapists are like all-knowing wizards perched on top of a mountain, overseeing everyone’s climb. There’s this idea that therapists hold a secret map and know all the right moves. In working with clients, I’ve encountered the misconception that the therapist must have the right path all figured out. While therapists can be very wise and knowledgeable, the truth is that we are also humans ourselves, climbing our own mountains and on our own journeys. The effectiveness of therapy is not from talking to someone who knows better than you, it is about talking to someone who can see situations from a different perspective. From our mountain, we see the path that you may have taken once that did not work out. We notice that a twig has caught your pant leg and is holding you back. We highlight a path that leads to the top that has not been taken yet. The therapist’s objective lens, paired with our experience and training, is where the magic happens. So a simple rebuttal to this misconception is this: therapists don’t have all the answers or a “one size fits all” map to the top. The answers all exist within you, and therapy can help you access them. As I reflected on this visualization with my colleague Kalie Pham, we reflected on the therapist’s role and how there are many misconceptions about what therapy really is. Whether you have been in therapy for years or are just now looking, the following misconceptions can shed light on the reality of the therapeutic space. 

Myth 1: Being in therapy means I’m weak, mentally ill, or have a serious problem. 

Rebuttal: Resourcefulness is not a weakness! 

Seeking psychotherapy is far from a sign of weakness. Rather, it is an act of resourcefulness and resilience. Clients navigating therapy commonly grapple with everyday challenges such as relationships, self-doubt, confidence, self-esteem, work-life stress, life transitions, depression, and anxiety. It is a powerful tool for achieving personal and professional goals, improving communication, boosting self-esteem, and fostering meaningful relationships. Therapy is versatile and beneficial for a wide array of needs or struggles.

Myth 2: Psychotherapy can solve my problems in one or two sessions. 

Rebuttal: Growth takes time!

Contrary to popular belief or what is often portrayed in movies, therapy is not a quick fix. I’ve encountered a misconception that therapy is like a pill, you take it (or attend), and then you feel better. There are, of course, benefits that start at the very first session. But the reality is that true progress takes time and everyone is on their own journey with different timelines. 

Myth 3: Psychotherapists make clients feel better immediately after each session. 

Rebuttal: Growing pains can hurt! 

Clients are not passive recipients of growth or progress; instead, they actively engage in the therapeutic process. As psychotherapists guide clients in facing and uncovering challenging emotions, the journey can sometimes be difficult and painful. The journey can also be rewarding, meaningful, and profound. It is common to encounter growing pains as healing often involves navigating through discomfort before reaching a place of calm. 

Myth 4: Therapists have ready-made solutions for all of life’s problems. 

Rebuttal: Not all therapy is the same! 

Therapists tailor their treatment to each client's individual needs. When working with clients, therapists work to understand the client's history, strengths, and challenges, and establish a foundation of trust and connection. Treatment plans are personalized with unique goals, considering the client's holistic well-being. Therapists embrace the uniqueness of each person and various modalities that can be used to treat different symptoms. 

So, to sum up, therapists are not all-knowing beings with an absolute answer to life’s problems. But we are here for you, we can help remove obstacles, and we care to support you on your journey towards healing and growth. Therapy is a space for all, and Root to Rise Therapy has a team of clinicians who are happy to be a part of your journey. Reach out to the Client Care Coordinator today and find out which therapist best suits your needs! 


Sophia Rodriguez, AMFT