Root to Rise Therapy | Los Angeles Marriage & Family Therapists

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COVID-19 Therapy

Covid 19 Therapy and Resources

Dear Clients, Colleagues, and Friends,

I am so privileged to have a window into the lives of my clients during the pandemic, to get firsthand accounts of how people are affected by COVID-19, how they are coping, what’s been helpful for them, and see the world through their eyes, with new perspectives.

Here are some more topics that have come up in the past week related to quarantine and the effects of shelter at home.  My hope in sharing these with you is so that we can all feel a bit less alone, understanding that we are all going through this together and many of us are having similar experiences. If you missed my email last week, you can find it here.  

  • How to get personal space at home in quarantine

  • Boundary-setting and asking for what you need

  • How to manage loneliness, depression, and other mental health issues

  • Not being able to see loved ones that are ill, in the hospital, or live in nursing homes

  • Not being able to see parents due to risk of exposure to more vulnerable populations

  • How to handle people that are not practicing social distancing, our feelings and reactions to that

  • How to approach friends and love ones who are not taking quarantine seriously

  • Grieving the hopes and plans we had for this year (travel, weddings, business growth, planning for family, etc.)

  • Setting clear boundaries around work vs home (ending the work day, having a separate work area at home, turning off computer monitor, shutting down phone)

On the flipside, here are some ways people are adapting to quarantine:

  • They are actually enjoying staying home

  • Wearing comfortable clothes, not worrying about makeup

  • Less rushing around resulting in decreased anxiety

  • No commute/traffic

  • Better sleep without having to wake up early

  • Home cooked meals and learning to cook

  • More time to exercise

If you or someone you know are in need of some support, contact me to book a Virtual Therapy session. I’m offering flexible and extended hours and am willing to accommodate your needs to make it work. Curious about Virtual Therapy? You can read more about it here.


For those of you doing phone/video therapy sessions, here are some ways I have found to make Virtual Therapy work.
1. Slow Down
Start the session by slowing down- do a couple minutes of long deep breaths or meditation before hopping on your session.  Or ask your therapist to start the session with a meditation.
2. Drop Into Your Body
It’s easy with a phone or video session to jump in hot and stay in the cognitive, thinking mind. Take time during your session to check in with your body and how you are feeling—hot, heart racing, notice if you are tensing anywhere in your body. This can help us integrate the whole body and not just stay in the cognitive space.
3. Cover Your Face
For video sessions, I cover up my face by sticking a little post-it or piece of paper over the section of the screen where I can see my face. This helps so that I’m not distracted by my own face or worrying about how I look
4. Turn off all Notifications
Turn off all email notifications on computer browser; log out of iMessage or other messaging program; close distracting email browsers, and put your phone on silent and off to the side— maybe even on the other side of the room!
5. Go on a Walk
If you are doing phone sessions, use this as a much needed opportunity to get some sunlight and move your body by going on a walk around your neighborhood.
6. Get out of the House
Take a video session from your car, a home office, or go somewhere in nature.
7. Process Your Experience
Be honest about your experience of Virtual Therapy with your therapist and process your feelings together. If something isn’t working for you, say so, and troubleshoot it!

I’m here for you. I have opened my availability with Virtual Therapy and am offering extending hours and would like to accommodate your scheduling needs. Book a Virtual Therapy session or a free video consultation with me.


Here is are some additional resources that are helping me and others right now. Thank you to everyone who shared resources to add to my list.  If you missed my resources list from last week, you can read it here.

For those struggling with sobriety:

I want to emphasize the importance of relaxing the body right now so that we can feel safe. Practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga are great tools for relaxing the body.

I’m here for you- don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. And contact me today to book your Virtual Therapy session or free video consultation!

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