
Shedding Old Parts of You

Shedding Old Parts of You

Have you ever found yourself questioning the parts of you you once considered fundamental to who you are? Maybe it’s the values you grew up with, your career choices, or even your long-held beliefs. This process—identity deconstruction—can feel unsettling and overwhelming, and it’s a powerful step toward living in alignment with your most authentic self.

Finding Self-Compassion

Finding Self-Compassion

We often seek validation from others when we feel vulnerable, believing that external reassurance will quiet our inner critic. But the truth is, while reassurance from others can provide temporary relief, the most enduring compassion comes from within. Listening to and elevating the voice of our inner advocate is the most effective way to challenge negative self-talk and increase self-compassion. 

Good Boundaries

Good Boundaries

The purpose of a boundary is to protect our own wellbeing. It is not a punishment to anyone else or a selfish act. Setting a boundary with someone else means: when they do xyz [something that crosses your boundaries], then you will do xyz [something to promote your wellbeing]. Here are a few examples of boundaries:

Craving Dopamine

Craving Dopamine

Dopamine, often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, plays a pivotal role in our brain's reward system. It's the chemical messenger responsible for feelings of pleasure, motivation, and reinforcement. And in today's fast-paced world, where stress seems to lurk around every corner, it's no wonder we often find ourselves seeking out dopamine in various forms.

Ground Yourself

Ground Yourself

In my practice as a therapist, I’ve worked with clients who present a wide variety of symptoms and challenges. Over time, I’ve noticed one valuable intervention come up and prove effective time and time again for all of these symptoms and challenges: grounding techniques.

Taking A Break

Taking A Break

I have always struggled with taking a break. Whether it’s scheduling an appointment midday, taking a self-care day, or going on vacation, I automatically experience guilt. However, as a therapist, I am constantly helping my clients carve out time for themselves on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. It feels so clear when speaking to others that we must all step away from our daily lives and take time to recharge. Yet it’s been so hard for me to take my advice and FULLY step away.

The Vase

The Vase

In my work as a therapist, I’ve noticed many clients experiencing a  lack in their sense of self. Those who struggle with their sense of self tend to feel directionless, are overly self-critical, have low self-confidence and self-esteem, feel disconnected from their true identity, and prioritize others’ needs over their own. Though a lack of sense of self can manifest in different ways, the last piece of prioritizing others’ needs over their own is what ties all these clients’ experiences together. Almost all of my clients who struggle with their sense of self are people-pleasers.

Rewiring Your Brain for Success

Rewiring Your Brain for Success

Imagine this: You’re about to speak in front of a group of people, and suddenly, your body seems to have a mind of its own. Your heart starts pounding, your palms get sweaty, and there’s that unmistakable fluttering sensation in your stomach. 

Does this feeling sound familiar? Maybe it is set off by the fear of spiders, heights, or flying, but most of us have something that can make us feel paralyzed by fear. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder

 Seasonal Affective Disorder

Living in Los Angeles, even with its desirable year-round weather, presents mood challenges as the seasons turn.I know fall has arrived and we are heading towards winter when there is a subtle yet palpable shift in the weather: the sun begins to set earlier; a cold, crisp quality permeates the air; I start reaching for the jackets that have been at the back of my closet; I am exponentially more drawn to turning on my furnace instead of the AC unit as each day passes. I also experience an indistinct shift in my moods as the days get shorter and the nights grow longer.