Life presents us with challenges–that is inevitable. Over the course of my life, I have witnessed immense resilience in people from my culture which presents as strikingly superhuman at times. However, certain key components and practices build this resounding resilience over time.
Key Practices to Building Resilience
Develop a Growth Mindset:
A growth mindset is cultivating a perspective that emphasizes focus on challenges as opportunities, rather than strokes of bad luck or insurmountable hurdles. Reframing a challenging experience by asking yourself: “What can I learn from this?” or “How can I use this experience to become stronger?” can help you bounce back from setbacks more effectively.
Foster a Strong Support System:
Some of the most resilient people and cultures I’ve come across in my life all share one thing in common: social support. Having a network of friends and family you can rely on for support provides a sense of security and stability during challenging times.
Prioritize Mental, Emotional, and Physical Self-Care
Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health is paramount to building resilience. I always encourage starting with fundamental self-care needs such as sleep, nutrition, and daily movement. Other ways to practice self-care can include a mindfulness practice, connecting with loved ones, or reconnecting with hobbies and activities that bring you a sense of ease and joy.
Strengthen Your Emotional Awareness
In order to build resilience, it is fruitful to practice understanding and processing your emotions, rather than suppressing them. This heightened observation and awareness of your emotions allows you to develop healthier coping mechanisms and respond vs. react to stressors. Some ways to practice this are: observing & labeling emotions as they arise, journaling, and practicing mindfulness by focusing on the present moment with nonjudgement.
Embrace the Inevitable Need for Flexibility
Resilience is built on the need to adapt to change. Change may cause one to feel anxious, and so learning to focus on what is within your scope of control and influence goes a long way in assuaging these anxieties.
Resilience is best fostered with support and guidance. A therapist can help you understand your emotions in response to challenges and develop tools to overcome adversity, process emotions, and create deeper meaning in your experiences.
Resilience is a skill that can be cultivated with time and effort. If you’re interested in learning how to build resilience, a therapist can help guide you through the process. You can reach out to our client care coordinator today to find the right therapist to support your journey toward maintaining and cultivating meaningful connections.
Atalie Abramovici, LMFT