Nurturing Your Intuition

Nurturing Intuition: My Five Favorite Self-Care Practices

Throughout my adult life, I have continually sought to connect with my intuitive nature and cultivate grounding and mental clarity. These 5 practices have supported me in deciphering my intuitive voice from my ego voice. If they aren’t already part of your practice, try them out, and they may help you hone your wise intuitive voice too! 

  1. Morning Walk

Since getting a dog when I graduated college, I have relished going on early morning walks to greet the day. It is as much a walk for me as it is for my dog! 

There is something truly magical about the quiet moments of a morning walk. Engaging in this simple yet powerful practice allows you to connect with nature and yourself before the demands of the day take over. As you walk, pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Tune in to the sensations in your body, the rhythm of your breath, and the thoughts that arise. This mindful walking practice helps calm the mind, open your senses, and create a sacred space for intuition to flourish.

2. Meditation

In college, I joined a meditation club, where a community of students met weekly to sit in quiet contemplation. There was something powerful about a bunch of typically chatty students sitting together in solidarity in a large room facing different walls to breathe and be. I would walk outside afterward, and it was like the world had slowed down, and the trees and scenery were more vivid and clear. Since then, I have regularly practiced meditation in classes and on my own to continue to recreate this grounded clarity. 

Meditation is a powerful tool for self-reflection and cultivating inner awareness. By regularly setting aside time for meditation, you can create a quiet space within yourself to explore your thoughts, emotions, and intuitions. Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Allow any thoughts or feelings to come and go without judgment. This practice helps to quiet the noise of the external world and connect with your inner wisdom, allowing your intuition to guide you more effectively for the rest of your life.

3. Yoga

I was introduced to yoga when I was in high school, and I would try different classes at various yoga studios with friends. Though I was not physically good at yoga to start and was falling all over the place, there was something about it that kept me coming back. I found it especially beneficial when I was in college, as I noticed it supported me in studying and retaining material more effectively, feeling more comfortable in my body, sleeping better, and feeling calmer. There were so many other benefits that I kept uncovering the more I returned. I ended up taking yoga teacher training and then teaching yoga because of how much the practice impacted me!

The practice of yoga offers a beautiful union of the mind, body, and spirit. Through the combination of physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation, yoga helps you cultivate a deep sense of presence and awareness. The conscious movement and intentional breathing in yoga create a sacred space for your intuition to thrive. As you flow through each pose, listen to the messages your body is sending you, and trust the wisdom it holds. Regular yoga practice can enhance your ability to tap into your intuition both inside and outside the therapy room.

4. Journaling

Journaling is a practice that I started as soon as I could write cohesively in the 1st grade. My journaling has evolved since then; however, the practice continues to be a space for me to get my thoughts, feelings, and reflections on paper, clear my mind-clutter, reconnect with what feels like my more intuitive self, and develop greater insight and clarity. Sometimes I will even notice that I am putting off journaling because journaling may lead me to an intuitive acknowledgment and decision that I will then have the responsibility to put forth into action! Fortunately, I am usually able to catch myself in that procrastination and then carve out time to journal. 

Journaling is a transformative self-care practice that allows you to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a safe and private space. By putting pen to paper, you can access your subconscious mind and uncover valuable insights. Set aside a dedicated time to write freely, without judgment or editing. Let your thoughts flow onto the pages, and pay attention to any intuitive nudges that arise. Journaling helps you develop a deeper understanding of yourself, enhances self-reflection, and strengthens your intuitive abilities.

5. Go to the Spa

While my other four practices are typically daily or weekly practices, the spa has not been as consistent of a practice for me, however, I know how beneficial it has been whenever I can have a spa day. I walk out of the spa with a fresh restart for my body, and it is so much easier to listen to the voice of my intuition. If there was a world where spas were complimentary, I would be there all the time! 

Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being is crucial for maintaining a strong connection with your intuition. Treating yourself to a spa day or a self-care retreat can provide a much-needed reset and rejuvenation. Indulging in relaxation therapies such as massages, facials, soaking in a hot tub, or using the steam room or sauna can help release tension, relieve stress, and create space for your intuition to flourish. The pampering experience of the spa not only nurtures your body but also replenishes your mind and spirit, allowing you to bring your best self to your work and personal life. If finances are a barrier, you can have an at-home spa day where you take a bath, use a homemade facial, or ask your partner or a friend to trade off giving and receiving a massage. Alternatively, if you belong to a gym, you may be able to access some of the amenities, such as a steam room, after a workout. 

Nurturing your intuition is an ongoing journey that requires consistent self-care practices. By incorporating activities such as morning walks, meditation, yoga, journaling, and spa visits into your routine, you can cultivate a deep sense of inner knowing and strengthen your confidence in living a purposeful and intentional life. Remember, your intuition is a valuable asset that can guide you in your healing journey. Prioritizing your self-care ultimately benefits both you and those around you! 

If you would like some additional support to move through blocks you may have in implementing some of these practices and developing your intuition, our therapists are ready to help! Please contact our Client Care Coordinator today to set up a complimentary consultation. 


Courtney Killough Roff, AMFT

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