Root to Rise Therapy | Los Angeles Marriage & Family Therapists

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As a relationship counselor, my passion is helping individuals, couples, and families to heal through healthy relationships.  Relationships can come in many forms; most obviously, our relationships with our romantic partners, our families, our friends and coworkers.  Other layers of relationships include the relationship to our Self (the most fundamental and important relationship of all); our relationship to work; to self-care; food; alcohol; drugs; sex; exercise, etc.
We may not realize it but we are constantly engaged in a dynamic relationship with all of these facets of ourselves and the external world. We are actively engaged in a relationship-making process whether or not we are making these decisions at a conscious level.

The most fundamental relationship is the one with ourselves.  Taking the time  to go inwards, to truly know and understand ourselves, our motivations, triggers, and reactions is crucial for healthy relationships with ourselves and others.  Becoming aware of our own reactions is the most important step to being able to actively participate and make decisions consciously that we may choose a response rather than being stuck in reactive mode.  

Through self-exploration, journaling, writing, self-care, and paying attention to ourselves, we are able to take ownership of our relationship making process.  This will in turn have cascade affects on our relationships with loved ones, family, friends, and work. Read up on healthy communication in relationships and cognitive behavioral therapy for some tips on healthy coping. 

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