Fall: Light from Within

Fall: Light from Within

The change of season from Summer to Fall is one of my favorites. In the summertime, I come out to play. More hours of sunshine and longer days means my night owl, which is usually asleep, wakes up for a few warm months and wants to play in the sand, have margaritas at sunset, and dance under the moonlight.

As we move towards the fall, the days get shorter, there are less hours of sunlight, and more hours of moonlight. As it becomes lighter earlier, I find myself turning inwards. I want to get in bed at 9:30 and read Brene Brown. I want to light palo santo and journal each morning with a cup of hot lemon water. I come back to my meditation practice, left behind in the warm playful summer months. I sit in silence and watch my own thoughts. I slow down as I am tasked with creating light from within. I prepare warm nourishing foods for myself at home, and come back to my yoga practice.

This is our work of the Fall. The darkness and moonlight is the perfect opportunity to turn inwards and shine the light on our insides, even in the dark places. One of my favorite lines reminds me of the feeling of the transition of summer to fall. It’s from a book called, “How should a person be?” by Sheila Heiti. “I said to myself sternly, It’s time to stop asking questions of other people. It is time to just go into a cocoon and spin your soul. “ I love this image of going in a cocoon and spinning my soul. When we shine light on darker places, we release the heaviness, the secretiveness, and the shame that may accompany the darkness.

So many of the people I work with are high achieving urban professional types with bustling careers and social lives. Verbal, articulate, talkative, intelligent, and well-loved. One outcome of these qualities is that we learn to look around for feedback and validation from others. We seek validation from outside sources. We look for light and sun and warmth from outside of ourselves. With these clients, the work is “spinning your soul” by turning the light on from within.

Building self-awareness through journaling, meditation practice, breathwork, and an overall present-moment focus are great tools for spinning one’s soul. Give yourself a treat by going home today and journaling by candlelight with a cup of peppermint tea. Or take long deep breaths for 3-5 minutes while diffusing lavender oil. Seek light and truth and self-love.

What are you favorite Fall practices to kindle your light from within? Share below in the comments section!

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