Boosting Creativity

6 Tips for Boosting Creativity

“Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'.”

― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

Do you ever find yourself lacking motivation or feeling as if you’re just going about your days in auto-mode? I know I definitely do, and increasingly so these past couple of years!

Throughout the past two years many of us have unwittingly found ourselves in an ongoing state of existing vs. living. Existing is a state of numbness, operating on perpetual autopilot and clinging onto any semblance of routine and normalcy. Living, as a contrast, is the state of total engagement with life, feeling the broad spectrum of emotions, and being open to creative potential. The experience of existing can lead to a life devoid of creative expression, or what we might call writer’s block, creative slowdown, or lack of inspiration.  

 If you feel that you are suffering a creative block, the good news is that creative potential exists within you. Engaging with it is the key to unlocking hope and purpose—the two elements needed to awaken us from existing and elevate us into living. Here are a few ways to tap into your why and, by doing so, boost your creativity:



Daydreaming is a form of play through the inner landscape of your imagination. Play is one of our earliest forms of learning, and so connecting to imaginative play allows us to tap into an essential component of creativity—being a novice. I’ve always been a daydreamer, and giving myself permission to lie down and dream of possibilities and exciting ideas allows me to feel uplifted and connected to my inner child. Through daydreaming, I let go of attachment and build excitement that fuels my creative endeavors. This child-like excitement is at the core of cultivating motivation, which effortlessly propels you into a creative state of being.


Get Curious 

 Understanding the layered nature of our human condition allows us to embrace the mystique of the unknown. Curiosity allows us to tap into our ideas, emotions, knowledge, and natural inclination to learn in order to shift our dreams into action. I always feel energized when I’m actively learning about something I’m passionate about even if it’s totally unrelated to my work. When I tap into my curiosity, I find myself watching documentaries on anything and everything, delving into spontaneous conversations with people at the grocery store, and even exploring different flavor combinations while cooking–all leading me to feel more creative and immersed in a state of living.


Process vs. Outcome 

Writer’s block is an affliction that usually occurs when we are narrowly focused on an outcome. When we are trapped in the pressures of being result-oriented, we inadvertently quash the motivation necessary to engage with creativity. When we bring creativity into our lives for the mere sake of enjoying the process, we break free from the limitations of narrowly clinging onto what creativity is “supposed to look like.” Creativity is about you and for you, so have fun with it! Pull out a paint brush and start creating strokes, roam around a new neighborhood or a garden with a camera or journal, or even just put on some of your favorite music and start dancing!


Don’t Limit Yourself to Conventional Forms of Creativity 

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard people say: “I’m not creative, I’m not an artist.” Creativity is not synonymous with artistic expression! We all possess the ability to engage in creativity, whether you are an artist, a mathematician, or a sales person. Choose to see creativity as a mindset, a perspective, and everything will shift. Begin to view your entire life as an act of creativity—your choices, your expressions, your desires. Notice the difference between delving wholeheartedly into the perspective of your life as a process of creativity vs. the perspective that your life is a means to an outcome as a metaphor for creativity in and of itself. I love viewing my life as a creative process and expression. Through this perspective, everything I do, feel, or think is an act of creativity.


 Rest & Unplug

Have you ever had the experience of trying to remember something that is just slightly out of mental reach? Then, when you shift your focus, it naturally comes to you? This happens to me often and it’s a sign that I need to step back and let go. Our brain consolidates and stores memories most prominently during sleep and states of rest. It is crucial to rest so that you can access consolidated ideas and build upon them when in a creative state. When our bodies and minds are rested and fresh, we meet the basic need that allows us to tap into self-actualization through creativity!


Go Out into Nature

Nature is a poignant teacher. When we spend time in nature, we situate ourselves amongst constant creative processes that are devoid of attachment to outcome, and are, rather, fully immersed in pure process. Not only do we get to witness creativity in action, we also have the opportunity to slow down and connect to our senses and tap into our own creative vision. When I’m out in nature, I love to smell the freshness of the air, feel the sun’s rays on my skin, notice the vibrant colors around me, and witness how the wind moves the blades of grass in its specific tempo.


I encourage you to make the most of these practices so that you can expand your creative energy and experience a state of living to your fullest potential. If depression, trauma or life experiences are holding you back from fully living, therapy can help! Contact our Client Care Coordinator for a free call to see if one of our therapists is the right fit for you.


With Gratitude,

Atalie Abramovici, AMFT

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