Getting Unstuck + News!

Getting Unstuck & Exciting News!

Dear Reader,

I ran some reports recently and learned that I had 97 client sessions this month—about 24 therapy sessions a week. Why am I sharing that with you? It means that I have the privilege of understanding close-up and in real-time how people are surviving, what common threads are coming up, what has been helpful and what hasn't been.

One big theme I’ve noticed is the issue of burnout and the importance of taking time off from work. I want to really emphasize the importance of giving yourself time off from work right now.  Many of us had travel and vacation plans scheduled for this year and especially this summer, before COVID.  And since COVID happened and all our plans got cancelled, I think everyone just kept working and forgot about vacation.  What I’m hearing from clients are many of the signs of burnout that I know all too well in myself.  Common signs of burnout include:

  • Feeling irritable with loved ones, colleagues, and friends

  • Feeling raw and drained (sometimes I describe it as feeling like I have no skin)

  • Difficulty focusing

  • Lack of motivation or excitement for the future

  • Feeling lethargic

  • An overwhelming sense of “stuckness”

I noticed these signs of burnout myself recently and was lucky enough to be able to take a week off and change the channel a bit.  I heard recently that memory is formed in new places, and I think because we’ve all been at home for six months, its really easy to get stuck in the groundhog day that is life right now, and look back and wonder where all the time went and what we’ve even been doing! I don’t know about you but I find it hard to remember a month ago, last week, and sometimes it’s even hard to remember yesterday.


I am encouraging my clients (and you!) to take some time off, take a long weekend or even a whole week (gasp!), book a COVID-safe cabin in the woods, go camping, or even take a staycation.  Whichever path you choose, I encourage you to change the channel, give yourself something new to look at, something new to think about, an opportunity to get out of the stuck place that we are all in, get some perspective, and create some new memories.

Along with taking time off, here are some other ways you can “change the channel” right now:

  • Pick up an old hobby such as playing an instrument - last week my client pulled his guitar out of the closet during our session in order to motivate himself!

  • Go to the ocean - it's a great reminder that this universe is so much bigger than our home-office.

  • Learn a new language - or brush-up using Duolingo

  • Draw in an adult coloring book - mine is called “You are f*ing Awesome” and it makes me smile

  • Take an online music or painting class - one client recently started taking online piano lessons

  • Take an outdoor exercise class - or workout in the park

  • Start a journaling practice - Scroll down to #5 for tips from me!

If you notice feeling symptoms of burnout including feeling drained, stuck, bored, depressed, anxious and overwhelmed all at the same time and aren’t sure what to do, therapy can help.  Book your free consultation today to get started with therapy and learn some new tools and skills for coping in this difficult time. Start with you— take the first step and book your free consultation today!


I’m excited to announce some big changes I’ve made since I last wrote you. First, I transitioned my business name and website from Becky White MFT to Root to Rise Therapy. As a trained yoga teacher, “Root to Rise” means a lot to me — the concept that in order to rise to our greatest heights, we must first feel safely and securely rooted in ourselves. At Root to Rise we believe that healthy fulfilling relationships Start With You.

Additionally, Root to Rise Therapy is expanding by bringing on more therapists to help more individuals and couples create healthy and thriving relationships.

I’d like to introduce the newest member of the Root to Rise team, Jessica Leader! Jessica is an Associate Marriage & Therapist who is passionate about working with children, teens, young adults, parents, couples and families. Before pursuing her Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage & Family Therapy at Pepperdine University, Jessica worked with teens, families, and parents for nearly a decade in academic settings. 

Jessica believes in the power of working within the family system and integrating different modalities in her treatments including Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness Counseling, with a big emphases on self-care.

Jessica is offering reduced rates and a sliding scale with clients who are experiencing financial hardship. She is offering flexible scheduling including weekend and evening availability. She is offering both in-person and online therapy to adults, couples, teens, and families. Read more about her here or set-up a free 15 minute phone consultation. I am so impressed with Jessica's compassion and care and we are thrilled to have her on the team!


I'm also excited to share that a couple of my articles were featured in blogs over the past few months:
Corporate Event News shared my article “6 Pro Tips for Overcoming Zoom Meeting Fatigue”
One of my favorite recommendations is to cover the part of my screen where I can see my face so that I don't get distracted. Read on for more pro tips!

Its All You Boo featured my article in their “Daily Activities to Improve Mental Health” post.

Scroll down to #5 to learn my best tips for how to start a journal practice. I reveal some of my best strategies and even share some of my own favorite journaling prompts like “What fears are coming up for me today?” and “How can I take care of myself just a little bit better today?"


Thank you so much for reading our newsletter and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or to share this with anyone that you think could benefit.  Visit our website to learn more about our services and book your free 15 minute phone consultation.  Take the first step: Start with you today!


Becky and Team at Root to Rise Therapy

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