sliding scale

How to Find a Therapist

How to Find a Therapist

Finding the right therapist can feel daunting and overwhelming, but it is an important step in starting therapy. Therapy is a powerful tool for gaining awareness into why we are the way we are, and why we do the things we do. Through gaining insight, we are then able to change certain behaviors or thinking patterns that do not serve us, as well as learn to accept the things that we cannot change. In order to do this work, we need to be willing to step into more vulnerable spaces and get in touch with emotions that might feel uncomfortable. So finding someone that you feel comfortable with is of the utmost importance-you need to feel safe to explore more vulnerable or triggering topics.

Do You Take Insurance?

Do You Take Insurance?

One of the most common questions potential clients ask us is if we take insurance. The answer is no, but that doesn’t mean your insurance won’t pay for your therapy. Even if they don’t pay for your therapy, it may still be beneficial to you to notify them that you’re paying out of pocket, as it may count towards your deductible.

Navigating insurance can be tricky, so we’ve put together these guidelines so you can better understand the process and know what questions to ask your insurance company for the best chance of being reimbursed for your therapy costs.

Questions to Ask your Insurance Company

Getting Unstuck + News!

Getting Unstuck + News!

Root to Rise Therapy has a new therapist offering weekend and evening appointments as well as sliding scale and reduced rates. We also changed our business name. Plus some tips for getting “unstuck” and dealing with burnout!

I ran some reports recently and learned that I had 97 client sessions this month—about 24 therapy sessions a week. Why am I sharing that with you? It means that I have the privilege of understanding close-up and in real-time how people are surviving, what common threads are coming up, what has been helpful and what hasn't been.