Root to Rise Therapy | Los Angeles Marriage & Family Therapists

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Virtual Therapy + Resources

Virtual Therapy + Flexible Schedule + Resources That Are Helping Me Right Now

Dear Clients, Colleagues, and Friends,

I am committed to supporting you and continuing to provide access to mental health services, which I believe are essential at this critical and scary time.

I am offering Virtual Therapy—both video and phone sessions— so that I can continue to provide mental health care to individuals and couples seeking to release painful patterns from their past.  

Virtual Therapy allows me to continue to provide mental health services to all of my clients during this time when it is most needed. I am opening up my availability (ie morning sessions, Fridays, weekends, etc) to accommodate your needs. I am able to schedule same day sessions, next day sessions, early morning sessions (which you all know I don’t do usually….) and pretty much any time you need support.  

While I had some concerns about Virtual Therapy (Will we feel connected? Will it carry the same weight as in-person visits?), I have been having some really powerful video and phone sessions with my clients (not to mention my own personal therapy and coaching which have all moved virtual as well). And this includes couples sessions! I've been really impressed with the power of both couples & individual video sessions and I encourage anyone who is curious to give it a try.  

Contact me anytime to book a Virtual Therapy session—I’m now accepting same day, next day, morning, and weekend sessions.


There’s so much coming up with my clients in our sessions right now related to quarantine and COVID-19.  I want to share with you some of the major issues coming up in session, so that you know that you are not alone and that we are all struggling with similar topics.  

  • How to get along peacefully with my partner during quarantine

  • How to be less negative and not put my anxieties onto my partner or friends/family

  • How to ask my partner to be less negative and not put their anxieties on me

  • How to deal with isolation and loneliness

  • How to date ?!

  • Can/should I quarantine with someone I’ve only just started dating even if we haven’t gotten very serious yet?

  • How to take care of myself physically and mentally

  • How to focus and concentrate better at home

  • How to be less fearful and relax

  • How to build structure and routine into my days at home

  • How to meditate/practice mindfulness in such a scary climate

  • How to set boundaries at home with my family

  • Turning to unhealthy coping skills like drinking/smoking/over-eating

  • Past trauma being triggered

  • How to cope with the economic downturn and job loss

  • People who have “essential jobs” and are still going to work everyday in high risk settings like nurses, doctors, etc and how to manage fear/anxiety

If any of these topics touches into something with you, contact me to book a Virtual Therapy session.

I am here for you, struggling alongside you, figuring it out with you, scared with you, hopeful with you, inspired by you, and learning with and from you.  


Here are some resources that are getting me through this difficult time:

  • Morning Meditations with Beth Sternleib every morning from 7:30-8AM (donation-based; choose what you pay)

  • YogaGlo - online yoga streaming and meditation with AMAZING teachers

  • Yoga Vibe online streaming classes

  • This podcast about being successful in small business during COVID

  • Breathwork like long deep breaths, circular breathing, and box breathing

  • Body Scan meditations

  • CALM, Headspace, Insight Timer apps for meditations

  • Scheduling FaceTime and Zoom group dates with friends/family

  • Zoom Personal Trainings at home

  • HIIT workouts from this trainer on Instagram Live Stream (Monica Davis)

  • Ordering weights, bands and a bike to make an in-home gym

  • Cooking food and trying out new recipes

  • Pema Chodron book/audiobook  When Things Fall Apart ; Comfortable with Uncertainty

  • Having 2 cookies with my coffee every morning ;)

  • Getting on track with regular mealtimes and actual meals and not just snacking and eating at unusual hours

  • Waking up everyday at the same time and keeping a semi-normal routine

  • Limiting my consumption of the news and social media

  • If you are struggling with substance abuse right now, or dealing with lapses, slip-ups, or relapses, Laura Mckowen and Holly Whitaker are putting out amazing community support and resources on these topics.

What is helping all of you right now? If you have any great resources you’d like to share, please email me with any recommendations. 

For a list of more resources, please visit my Resources page on my website. 

I am with you, I am here for you, let me know how I can be of benefit and service. Whether you are currently my client or have been in the past, whether I’ve heard from you recently or not in a long time, please do not hesitate to reach out for support or with any questions or requests.

You can read more about Virtual Therapy on my website.  Contact me anytime to book a session—I’m now accepting same day, next day, morning, and weekend sessions.

Lots of love,

P.S. My business is officially now called Root To Rise Therapy!

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