Helene's Posts

Breaking the Cycle: EFT

Breaking the Cycle: EFT

We’ve all been there—stuck in the same old argument that keeps resurfacing no matter how hard you try to move past it. Maybe it starts over something small, like chores, but it spirals into something much bigger, leaving both of you feeling hurt and disconnected. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. These recurring arguments can leave even the most loving couples feeling stuck. The good news? Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) can help you break the cycle.

Understanding OCD

Understanding OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a term often tossed around casually. You’ve probably heard someone say, “I’m so OCD” about organizing their desk or arranging their bookshelf. But OCD is so much more than a preference for tidiness or a quirky habit. It’s a mental health condition that can feel overwhelming and exhausting, often making everyday life an uphill battle. Let’s take a closer look at what OCD really is and how it can show up in people’s lives.

Know if a Therapist is Right For You

Know if a Therapist is Right For You

Starting therapy can feel a little overwhelming—kind of like standing in front of a giant menu at a new restaurant, trying to figure out what to pick. How do you know what’s right for you? With so many therapists out there, it’s normal to wonder how to find someone you’ll feel comfortable with and who can truly help.

Identifying Trauma

Identifying Trauma

When we talk about “trauma,” we’re talking about an emotional or psychological response to a distressing event or experience. It’s not necessarily the event itself that’s traumatic but rather the way it impacts a person’s sense of safety, stability, or identity. Trauma often leaves people feeling overwhelmed, helpless, or disconnected from themselves or others.