Relationships & Communication

The Rupture-Repair Cycle

The Rupture-Repair Cycle

The “rupture-repair cycle” is a crucial part of any relationship. As much as we don’t mean to, we sometimes hurt and let down the people we care about. There is some inevitability to this (though we should try to minimize it as much as possible!) but the repair after a rupture creates an opportunity for growth and reconnection.

Are We Sexually Mismatched?

Are We Sexually Mismatched?

It’s understandable to feel worried and confused about shifts in your relationship, especially when it comes to your intimacy and desire. Feeling like you're the one who always initiates sex, only to face rejection or reluctance from your partner, can lead to feelings of insecurity, frustration, and even loneliness. It's natural to crave that connection and validation from your partner, and when it feels like it's slipping away, it can leave you feeling lost and unfulfilled. 

Holding Two Truths at Once

Holding Two Truths at Once

There is so much complexity in relating to others’ experiences while effectively relaying our own experience! One of the most powerful practices I’ve adopted and shared with my clients is the art of holding two truths at one. 

Let’s Talk About Sex!

Let’s Talk About Sex!

Let’s first acknowledge that talking openly about sex with our partner(s) involves some vulnerability and discomfort. However, having open conversations about sex is crucial for creating a healthier and more satisfying relationship. As much as we try to convince ourselves, humans are not capable of mind-reading, so the first step to having the sexual relationship we crave is by talking about it. We can’t get what we want without saying we want it! 

Navigating Relationships

Navigating Relationships

Open communication is the backbone of all relationships, and this is especially crucial in a long-distance relationship. When you’re in different physical places, it can feel like you’re living two separate lives unless the communication is open and consistent.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals downplay their accomplishments, skills, or talents, and suffer persistent fear that they will be exposed as a ‘fraud’ despite having clear evidence of their competence

Fundamental Attribution Error

Fundamental Attribution Error

Fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency people have to attribute another’s actions to their characteristics or personality and attribute their own behavior to external situational factors outside of their control.

Levels of Validation

Levels of Validation

We all want to feel valid in our experience—and for our partner to acknowledge it.

 As a therapist, one of the most effective tools I teach couples is how to practice validation.

Once they start actively strengthening their validation muscle, emotional security can be nurtured. This is because validation in a relationship increases trust, strengthens empathy, and creates space for vulnerability.

Risk-taking in Relationships

Risk-taking in Relationships

One of my favorite stages in a relationship is what I call the “couch stage.” You’ve been together for enough time now that every hangout doesn’t have to be planned and you can spend a day (or days…) just relaxing on the couch together feeling that sense of comfort and safety. For so many of us, that sense of security and safety is so relieving that it feels tempting to stay in that cozy bubble forever, not letting anything in that could threaten that experience.